Strange but not surprising. When seeing a couple, all I'm thinking about is "gosh, how GOOD it is not to be involved into anything like this «couple thing». Not to be expected to do, ask, discuss..TOGETHER: DO everything together, ASK if your significant other wants or doesn't to do\watch\go\socialize.. this or that\there or nowhere\with these or those..
This «couple thing» is such a dependent community, in which both are getting lost with every passing day!! It is a sect where you no longer belong to yourself, but to YOUR couple. Where you worship(and the longer it is the more you MUST do it) the idol called «YOUR love». And yes, it is NOW that you are completely LOST. And it can mean only one thing - it all is getting OVER. It all is dying with every reproach and every resentment, which are inevitable here as the longer IT is the more thoroughly your feelings are being checked and examined by your «significant other». It always gets OVER. Sooner or later. The thing is whether you admit it or not.
It did a year ago. A different plot, but the same end. I feel sorry about your, guys, couple.
Still hope you'll be wise enough to stop worshiping your idol, to stop demanding sacrifices for its sake.